Write for us

Guest post on Mailercloud

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Want to write for Mailercloud?

We are welcoming all the passionate writers and subject matter experts with a track record of creating engaging and inspiring content in the email marketing space. Your submissions have to be original, a good fit for our audience and must not have been published elsewhere.

Get noticed by millions of people

Guest posting on Mailercloud will allow you to reach thousands of readers and social media audiences looking for expert opinions on email marketing.

You can write about:-

  • Marketing automation
  • Email marketing strategies
  • Email Marketing tips and trends
Your topic of choice, not covered here?

We’re open to new ideas related to email marketing. Write to us at marketing@mailercloud.com

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Understand our guidelines
  • 100% Original concepts, compelling arguments, and high-quality writing. We will not republish anything that's been published elsewhere.
  • The article reflects the writing style/tone of the marketing blog.
  • Formatting preferences include the use of H1, H2 and H3 title tags properly capitalized or highlighted.
  • Back up your claims with links to your research or case studies confirming the information in your blog.
  • Paragraphs not exceeding 75 words and sentences not exceeding 20 words each.
  • No more than one link to your company's website (Note: This includes your website homepage, blog, pricing page, etc) in the body of the post.
  • Comprehensive (1000+ words).
  • Once the article is live on our blog page, we will share a URL with you. Thereafter, you can promote the article among your followers/connections and more.
Guest post

If you don’t hear from us, more likely

  • Your article is incomplete.
  • Your article does not conform to our Guidelines (read line by line).
  • Your topic/angle is not in-depth enough.
  • Your article is not original and copied from somewhere else.
  • We’ve already covered the idea in the past.
  • Your topic is not adequate for our audience.
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Make your first submission now!

Share your ideas with millions of people and get noticed.

Write for us
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