smtp iconSMTP Service

Delivering Important Messages Right On Time

Ensure your messages reach the inbox every time. Enjoy high deliverability and real-time analytics.

Try it today

Explore the Powerful Features of Mailercloud's
SMTP Service

SMTP Relay

SMTP Relay

Utilize our reliable SMTP relay service to send bulk emails effortlessly. Ensure high deliverability rates and avoid the spam folder.

Real-Time Analytics

Real-Time Analytics

Monitor the performance of your transactional emails with detailed analytics. Track open rates and other key metrics to optimize your communication strategy.



Whether you're sending hundreds or millions of emails, our platform scales with your needs, ensuring reliable performance at all volumes.

Multiple Domains

Multiple Domains

Manage multiple domains efficiently within a single platform. Simplify your email operations and maintain control across all your domains.

Trusted by 16,000+ monthly active users


Get Started with SMTP in No Time!

Quickly integrate Mailercloud's SMTP service into your application. Just copy, paste,
and start sending emails instantly.


// Import the nodemailer module to handle email sending
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');

 * Asynchronously sends an email using SMTP settings.
 * This function sets up a mail transporter with STARTTLS security and
 * sends an email to a specified recipient.
async function sendEmail() {
    // Configure SMTP transporter
    let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
        host: '',  // Replace with your SMTP host
        port: 587,
        secure: false,              // true for 465, false for other ports
        auth: {
            user: '[email protected]', // Replace with SMTP username
            pass: 'password'             // Replace with SMTP password
        requireTLS: true             // Enforce TLS as the security protocol

    // Define email parameters
    let info = await transporter.sendMail({
        from: '"Sender Name" <[email protected]>',  // Sender address
        to: '[email protected]',                // List of recipients
        subject: 'Sample Email',                    // Subject line
        html: '<p>This is a sample email to test SMTP settings.</p>'  // HTML body content

    // Log the result
    console.log('Message sent: %s', info.messageId);

// Trigger the sendEmail function to run

Why Choose Mailercloud's SMTP Service?

Enhance Security

Enhance Security

Protect your data with advanced security measures. Our platform is designed with security in mind, ensuring your transactional emails are sent securely.



Benefit from fast troubleshooting, secure account management, and an intuitive UI for data analysis, making your email management efficient and effective.

High Deliverability Rates

High Deliverability Rates

Ensure your emails land in the inbox and avoid the spam folder. Our advanced deliverability infrastructure maximizes your email reach.

Time-Saving Features

Time-Saving Features

Automate and streamline your email processes to save time and improve efficiency across your operations.

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Mailercloud SMTP Service

Simplified Email Sending

Create Your Account

Sign up for a Mailercloud account to get started with sending transactional emails.

Verify Your Sending Domain

Add and verify your sending domain by copying and pasting the essential DNS records into your domain registrar's settings.

Integrate with Your Application

Select SMTP under Sending Domains and use the provided credentials to integrate Mailercloud with your application's email functionality.

Start Sending Emails

Once integrated, start sending emails instantly. Enjoy the reliability and high deliverability rates of Mailercloud's SMTP service.

See Our Transactional Emails in Action

Examples of SMTP Emails

Order Confirmation Emails

Order Confirmation Emails

Confirm purchases with detailed order information and expected delivery dates.

Shipping Notifications

Shipping Notifications

Keep customers updated on their shipment status with real-time tracking links.

Password Reset Emails

Password Reset Emails

Provide secure and straightforward instructions for password recovery.

Account Alerts

Account Alerts

Notify users of important account activities, such as login attempts or changes.

Feedback Requests

Feedback Requests

Gather valuable customer feedback post-purchase to continuously improve your services.

Subscription Confirmation Emails

Subscription Confirmation Emails

Automatically send confirmation emails to new subscribers. 


To verify your sending domain, add the provided DNS records to your domain registrar's settings and confirm the verification in your Mailercloud account.

Yes, Mailercloud provides an easy-to-use API for seamless integration with your existing applications.

Absolutely. Mailercloud uses advanced security measures to protect your data and ensure your emails are sent securely.

Mailercloud's SMTP service is highly scalable, capable of handling any volume of emails, from hundreds to millions.